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2nd Year

Term: 21st Jan - 25th Mar


  1. Lord, teach us to pray (Part 1)

  2. Lord, teach us to pray (Part 2)

  3. Lord, teach us to pray (Part 3)

  4. Lord, teach us to pray (Part 4)

  5. Developing a Strong Spirit (Part 1)

  6. Developing a Strong Spirit (Part 2)

  7. Developing a Strong Spirit (Part 3)

  8. Developing a Strong Spirit (Part 4)

  9. The Power of Praying in Tongues (Part 1)

  10. The Power of Praying in Tongues (Part 2)

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Церковь Всех Наций, Национальный стадион
145 South Circular Rd, Дублин 8, D08 HY40 


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Рабочие часы:

пн-чт с 9:30 до 17:00 (среда: полдня)

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