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Destiny is our Pre-teen ministry headed up by Max and Sarah. It caters for preteens aged between 11 and 13 years old.


It meets every second Sunday upstairs in the Ringside (the week the teens are in main service) It consists of a Bible study, games, and interactive discussions.

For more information check out the Get Connected table in the foyer on Sundays.

Identity is our Teen ministry headed up by John and Faith. It caters for Secondary level students aged between 14 and 18 years old.


It meets every second Sunday at 11am in the upstairs of the Ringside. The teen service consists of worship, a Bible Study and discussion followed by a time of catching up with each other. We also have social activities such as day trips for hikes, picnics and other fun events.

For more information check out the Get Connected table in the foyer on Sundays.

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Церковь Всех Наций, Национальный стадион
145 South Circular Rd, Дублин 8, D08 HY40 


Связаться с Витой:

Мобильный: 0874602573

Телефон: 014548828


Рабочие часы:

пн-чт с 9:30 до 17:00 (среда: полдня)

© Церковь Всех Наций, Все права защищены.

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