Discover All Nations Church Belfast
The Lord placed Belfast on Pastor John’s heart, and thus, All Nations Church Belfast was born in January 2024, after a period of prayer and preparation. Join us and become part of this incredible journey!
Sunday Gatherings: We meet at the Farset International Hotel, Belfast every Sunday at 6:30 pm. Come and be uplifted by an inspiring word from Pastor John or one of our dedicated leaders from All Nations Dublin. Your presence will make our community even richer.
Monday Bible Study: We also come together on Mondays for a nourishing Bible Study.
New Beginnings: 6:30pm to 7:30pm (Led by Palm)
Open to Everyone: 7:30pm to 8:30pm (Led by Palm)
Our mission is to see the lost saved and firmly planted in their faith, enabling them to grow spiritually and positively impact the lives of others.
Next Event:
Ministers’ & Leaders’ Lunch in Stormont in the Long Room at 1.30pm.
It will be to pray and bring leaders together for the March for Jesus in Belfast on Saturday 7th June
Join Us:
Address: Farset International, 466 Springfield Rd, Belfast BT12 7DW, United Kingdom
Contact: +44 7570 183006