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We are a mission-orientated church with a congregation of people from 50 different nations. From the beginning, we have had a heart to support mission works throughout the world. These works include Hope for Venezuela. We also have our own Bread of Life Outreach which feeds the homeless in Dublin city.

Another aspect of our missions is to help girls trapped in sex trafficking and prostitution so we support Pure Hope Foundation, USA.


VALENCIA - Zulia - Tachira - Barinas - Bolivar - Portuguesa

Venezuela has been suffering from an ongoing economic crisis that has been getting worse over time. People are suffering from food shortages and hyperinflation, creating chaos and instability throughout the country. Minimum wages (currently less than $2 per month) are insufficient to meet a family’s basic needs.  More importantly, their hope of a better future is threatened by the country situation.

HOPE FOR VENEZUELA FOUNDATION provides families with food and supplies in connection with the local churches. They also have the doors open to share the gospel and bring the hope of God to each family. This is only possible with the help of donors and local churches through international donations around the world.
We have provided food for thousands of families and we have reached 20 different locations around the country! You can also be part of bringing hope to Venezuela. Through your generosity, we are able to spread the gospel to many people and provide food to families in need.

Contacts: Joizeth Waldmann

Instagram: @hopeforvenezuelaf

Ready to Give?

You can send your tithe, offering or missions donations to one of our charities through bank transfer. 

Bank Transfer

All payments to this account will go towards missions. 

Please add your Gift Aid* number in your payment reference.

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145 South Circular Rd, Dublin 8, D08 HY40 


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